3 Publications

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=BB2GTFoAAAAJ&hl=en

ALL the papers can be downloaded from: https://pan.baidu.com/s/19ffOzvqk2BI4nx10vJurxw


Yan Tian#, Hanshi Fu, Hao Wang, Yuqi Liu, Zhaocheng Xu, Hong Chen, Jianyuan Li, Ruili Wang. RGB oralscan video-based orthodontic treatment monitoring. Science China Information Sciences, 2024, 67(1): 112107. (CCF-A, IF=8.80).

Hao Wang, Yan Tian#, Yongchuan Xu, Jiahui Xu, Tao Yang, Yan Lu, Hong Chen. Multiscale geometric window transformer for orthodontic teeth point cloud registration. Multimedia Systems, 2024, 30(3):164. (SCI Q3, IF=3.90)

Erjun Sun, Di Zhou#, Yan Tian, Zhaocheng Xu, Xun Wang. Transformer-based few-shot object detection in traffic scenarios. Applied Intelligence, 2024, 54(1): 947-958. (SCI Q2, IF=5.30)

Wei Wang,  Linyang He,  Guohua Cheng,  Ting Wen, Yan Tian#. Learning from ambiguous labels for x-ray security inspection via weakly supervised correction. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2024, 84: 6319-6334. (SCI Q4, IF=3.60)


Yan Tian#, Guotang Jian, Jialei Wang, Hong Chen, Lei Pan, Zhaocheng Xu, Jianyuan Li, and Ruili Wang. A revised approach to orthodontic treatment monitoring from oralscan video. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2023, 27(12): 5827-5836. (SCI TOP, IF=7.70)

Yan Tian, Zhaocheng Xu, Yujun Ma, Weiping Ding, Ruili Wang, Zhihong Gao, Guohua Cheng, Linyang He, Xuran Zhao. Survey on deep learning in multimodal medical imaging for cancer detection. Neural Computing and Applications, 2023: 1-16. (SCI Q3, IF=6.00)

Jie Sun, Yan Tian#, Jialei Wang, Zhaocheng Xu, Hao Wang, Zhaoyi Jiang, and Xun Wang. Weakly supervised method for domain adaptation in instance segmentation. Computer Graphics International Conference, 2023: 204-217.

Bei Wang, Yan Tian#, Jialei Wang, Jiayu Hu, Dongsheng Liu, Zhaocheng Xu. Detect occluded items in x-ray baggage inspection. Computers Graphics, 2023, 115: 148-157. (SCI Q3, IF=2.50)

Rui Zhang, Yan Tian, Zhaocheng Xu, Dongsheng Liu. Design of anchor boxes and data augmentation for transformer-based vehicle localization. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2023, 90: 103711. (SCI Q4, IF=2.60)

Rui Zhang, Yan Tian, Dongshegn Liu. Uncertainty region discovery and model refinement for domain adaptation in road detection. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 2023, 15(2): 128-136. (SCI Q2, IF=5.29)


Yan Tian, Tao Chen, Guohua Cheng, Shihao Yu, Xi Li, Jianyuan Li, Bailin Yang, Global context assisted structure-aware vehicle retrieval. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23(1), 2022: 165-174. (SCI TOP, CCF-B, IF=9.55)

Yan Tian, Yujie Zhang, Huayi Xu, Jianfeng Han, Wei-Gang Chen, Dongsheng Liu, Yiwen Ge, Huiyan Wang. 3D tooth instance segmentation learning objectness and affinity in point cloud. ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications, 18(4), 2022: 1-16. (CCF-B, IF=5.10)

Dongsheng Liu, Yan Tian#, Yujie Zhang, Judith Gelernter, and Xun Wang. Heterogeneous data fusion and loss function design for tooth point cloud segmentation. Neural Computing and Applications, 2022, 34(20): 17371-17380. (SCI Q3, IF=6.00)

Dongsheng Liu, Yan Tian#, Zhaocheng Xu, Guotang Jian. Handling occlusion in prohibited item detection from x-ray images. Neural Computing and Applications, 2022, 34(22): 20285-20298. (SCI Q3, IF=6.00)

Peng Wang, Yan Tian#, Nali Liu, Jialei Wang, Shuangming Chai, Xun Wang, Ruili Wang. Tooth surface design combining semantic guidance, confidence, and structure coherence. IET Computer Vision, 2022, 16(8): 727-735. (SCI Q4, IF=1.70)

彭宸婕, 田彦#, 王嘉磊, 江腾飞, 任午令, 王勋, 杨柏林. 结合几何一致性的图卷积颈缘线形变网络. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报. 2022, 34(9): 1460-1468. (CCF-A中文期刊)

Wanting Ji, Ruili Wang, Yan Tian, Xun Wang. An attention based dual learning approach for video captioning. Applied Soft Computing, 2022, 117: 108332. (SCI TOP, IF=8.70)


Di Zhou, Yan Tian#, Wei-Gang Chen, Gang Huang. Self-supervised saliency estimation for pixel embedding in road detection. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2021, 28(8): 1325-1329. (SCI Q2, IF=3.90)

徐照程, 田彦*, 何林阳, 王黎, 王永强. 结合难例增强的肺结核级联检测网络. CAD&CG, 2021.

刘娜丽, 田彦*, 江腾飞, 王勋, 杨柏林. 基于环境信息挖掘的体素形变网络. GDC, 2021.


Yan Tian, Guohua Cheng, Shihao Yu, Judith Gelernter, Chao Song, Bailin Yang. Joint temporal context exploitation and active learning for video segmentation. Pattern Recognition, 2020, 100: 107158. (SCI TOP, IF=8.00)

Yan Tian, Yujie Zhang, Di Zhou, Guohua Cheng, Wei-Gang Chen, Ruili Wang. Triple attention network for video segmentation. Neurocomputing, 2020, 417: 202-211.  (SCI TOP, IF=6.00)

Xun Wang, Yan Tian#,  Xuran Zhao, Tao Yang, Judith Gelernter, Jialei Wang, Guohua Cheng, and Wei Hu. Improving multiperson pose estimation by mask-aware deep reinforcement learning. ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications, 16(3), 2020, 16(3): 1-18. (CCF-B, IF=5.10)

Guohua Cheng, Hongli Ji, Yan Tian. Walking on two legs: Learning image segmentation with noisy labels. International Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), 2020: 330-339. (CCF-B, Oral)

Guohua Cheng, Jingliang Cheng, Mengyan Luo, Linyang He, Yan Tian, and Ruili Wang. Effective and efficient multitask learning for brain tumor segmentation. Journal of Real-time Image Processing, 2020, 17: 1951-1960. (SCI Q4, IF=3.00)

Zhe Chen, Hongmin Gao, Zhen Zhang, Helen Zhou, Xun Wang, YanTian. Underwater salient object detection by combining 2D and 3D visual features. Neurocomputing, 2020, 391: 249-259. (SCI  TOP, IF=6.00)

Wanting Ji, Yirui Wu, Xiaozhong Ji, Yan Tian, Helen Zhou. CASR: A context-aware residual network for single image super-resolution. Neural Computing and Applications, 2020, 32: 14533-14548. (SCI Q3, IF=6.00)

Book: 计算机视觉前沿发展 : 目标检测专题 / 田彦主编. — 杭州 : 浙江工商大学出版社, 2019.12,ISBN 978-7-5178-3629-2


Yan Tian, Judith Gelernter, Xun Wang, Jianyuan Li, and Yizhou Yu. Traffic sign detection using a multi-scale recurrent attention network. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportations Systems, 2019, 20(12): 4466-4475. (SCI TOP, IF=8.50)

Yan Tian, Xun Wang, Jiachen Wu, RuiliWang, Bailin Yang. Multi-scale hierarchical residual network for dense captioning. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 2019, 64: 181-196. (CCF-B, IF=5.00)

Yan Tian#,  Wei Hu, Hangsen Hang, Jiachen Wu. Densely connected attentional pyramid residual network for human pose estimation. Neurocomputing, 2019, 347: 13-23. (SCI TOP, IF=6.00)

Yan Tian,  Yifan Cao, Wei Hu, Jiachen Wu, Chao Song, Tao Yang. Multi-cue combination network for action-based video classification. IET Computer Vision, 2019, 13(6): 542-548. (SCI Q4,  IF=1.51)

Bailing Yang, Shulin Sun,  Jianyuan Li,  Xianxuan Lin, and Yan Tian#. Traffic Flow Prediction Using LSTM with Feature Enhancement. Neurocomputing, 2019, 332: 320-327. (SCI TOP, ESI, IF=6.00)

Wei-Gang Chen, Yuxuan Chen, Xun Wang, Yan Tian, RunYi Yu. A learning-based method for lane detection using regionlet representation.  IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 13(12), 2019: 1745-1753. (SCI Q4,  IF=2.05)


Yan Tian, Kaili Zhang,  Jianyuan Li,  Xianxuan Lin, and Bailing Yang*. LSTM based traffic flow prediction with missing data. Neurocomputing, 318, 2018: 297-305. (SCI TOP, ESI, IF=6.00)

Yan Tian, Judith Gelernter, Xun Wang, Weigang Chen, Junxiang Gao, Yujie Zhang, and Xiaolan Li. Lane marking detection via deep convolutional neural network. Neurocomputing, 2018, 280: 46-55. (SCI TOP, IF=6.00)


Yan Tian, Huiyan Wang, and Xun Wang. Object localization via evaluation multi-task learning. Neurocomputing, 253, 2017: 34-41. (SCI TOP, IF=6.00)

Wei-Gang Chen*, Xun Wang, and Yan Tian. A two-stage algorithm for the early detection of zero-quantized discrete cosine transform coefficients in High Efficiency Video Coding. EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, 2017. (SCI Q4 IF=1.74)

Bailin Yang, Zhaoyi Jiang, Yan Tian, Jiantao Shangguan, Chao Song, Yibo Guo and Minglinang Xu. A Novel Dynamic Mesh Sequence Compression Framework for Progressive Streaming. International Conference on Virtual Reality and Visualization (ICVRV), 2017: 49-54.


Yan Tian, Gang Huang, Huiyan Wang, and Xun Wang*. Multi-task Network Combing Multi-Level Information for Object Localization. International Conference on Chinagraph 2016, Hangzhou, P.R.China, 2016.


Yan Tian*, Leonid Signal, Fernando de La Torre, and Yonghua Jia. Canonical Locality Preserving Latent Variable Model for Discriminative Pose Inference. Image and Vision Computing, 31(3), 2013: 223-230. (SCI Q3, IF=3.10)


Yan Tian*, Yuan Shi and Yong Liu, “Inferring 3D Body Pose Using Variational Semi-Parametric Regression”, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Brussels, Belgium, 2011. (Oral)

H Ji*, R Liu, F Su, Z Su, Yan Tian, “Robust head pose estimation via convex regularized sparse regression”,  IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Brussels, Belgium, 2011.


Yan Tian*, Leonid Sigal, Hernan Badino, Fernando de la Torre and Yong Liu, “Latent Gaussian Mixture Regression for Human Pose Estimation”, Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), Queenstown, New Zealand, 2010. (Oral)


Yan Tian, Junxiang Gao, Hao Zhang, Yong Liu, “A Hierarchical Pose Estimation Method Based on Graph Model”, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence (AICI), Shanghai, P.R.China, 2009.
